Featured Sports
Here in Wisconsin, our famous stadiums go beyond Miller Park and Lambeau Field. With our unmatched natural resources and distinguished four seasons, our backyard is world-class arena for specialty sports drawing spectators and participants from all over the globe. From our 14,000 inland lakes and Great Lakes coastline to the diverse outdoor landscape shaped by our geological history, Wisconsin offers the unique opportunity to host sporting events for which a venue cannot be built. Our great outdoors are a truly priceless asset.
Whether the ground is dewy in spring, warm and plush under the summer sunshine, crisp in fall, or blanketed with snow in the winter, Wisconsin is a four season sporting destination. We have a great appreciation for the camaraderie, teamwork, volunteerism, and community building our proud sports culture fosters. Year round, sports fans, volunteers, and participants pack our state with effervescence to enjoy these time-honored sports traditions and build the fan bases and leaders of the future.